पाकिस्तान से आई विवादो की malika को एक और नई फिल्म मिली है, जिसमे उनकी धमेद्र के साथ काम करने का मौका मिलने वाला है. वीना की पहली फिल्म मुंबई 405 मील बनकर तैयार है और इसमें उनके साथ bohra हीरो है.
Pakistan came from issues of malika is another new movie, that his dhamedra is going to work with. Veena's debut as Mumbai is ready and 405 miles with them bohra hero.
Malika of disputes and the new film from Pakistan to have had the opportunity to work with which is going to meet their Dmedra. Veena is ready and it's the first film Mumbai 405 miles bohra hero with them.
Pakistan has a malika of polemics and new film received, which fulfils his धमेद्र opportunity to work with is. Of Mumbai Vina first film 405 miles with them and it ready Bohra hero.