— In this paper we introduce the water level monitoring using centralized web enable system i.e. with the help of
internet we can check water level of natural resources like well, dam, lake ,etc. More specifically, we are building a
interfacing card which is connected to the central processing unit through the LPT port which help us to measure the water
level .This approach will reduce the extra effort as well as time in going at actual site and checking water level at each time.
As we just have to connect/build an interfacing card at desired location and also attach one CPU (acts as server) to that
interfacing card through which we can collect the reading/marking of water level and these readings can be accessed by the
client server at any place and time. we are checking the water level in three stages low level, middle level , high level . we
also provided the messaging system at high level and low level by using these readings we can declare drought or flood for
particular area.